Friday, December 14, 2007

Santa Needs Love Too

This weekend, Cindy took Maia to the mall and the two stumbled upon old St. Nick and his elves. They decided to have Maia sit on his lap (oddly disturbing tradition in this day and age) and tell him about all of the dresses, webkinz, and other toys that Maia is hoping for this Christmas. While waiting, Maia told Cindy that she is going to do something nice for Santa since he always does something nice for everyone else. As Maia gets her turn to sit on the old guy's lap, she starts belting out "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT, YOU BETTER NOT CRY..." as her nice gesture for Santa. I think it's pretty obvious that my little girl gets her selflessness and compassion from her mother, but it amazes me to this day how much I've learned from her and Payton. Here's a pic of mutual joy between 3 year old and 60 year old:

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